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Green Island Dive Sites​

  1. Big Mushroom Reef 📍

  2. Six metre Reef ⚓️

  3. Electric Pole Reef ⚓️

  4. Gui Wan Bi ⚓️

  5. Chicken Reef ⚓️

  6. Horseshoe Bridge

  7. Cathedral 📍

  8. Iron Cage Reef ⚓️ 

  9. Independant Reef ⚓️

10.Da Bai Sha 📍

11.Hot Spring Tower ⚓️

12.Pug Rock ⚓️

13.Grand Church ⚓️

14.Nan Zih Hu ⚓️

15.Lou Man Rock ⚓️

16.Three Rocks ⚓️

17.Big Gorge ⚓️

18.Skyline ⚓️

19.General Rock 📍

20.Gung Gang Bi 📍

21.Chai Kou 📍

22.Jun Jian Reef  📍

23.Jhong Liao Harbor 📍

24.Lighthouse Outer Reef ⚓️

25.Back Garden ⚓️

All sites available from April-September; #11-25 unavailable from October-March.

Green island dive sites

© Islands Dive 2019 | | Design by Manni Hsu

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